Asafoetida and IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be a debilitating condition, characterized by abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, gas and irregular bowel movements. Many people find relief through dietary changes, such as the low FODMAP diet. One such addition to the diet is asafoetida, a resin with a strong, pungent odour used in Indian cuisine. But, is there more to this ancient spice? Read this to find out about asafoetida and IBS and see my website for many other IBS-related blogs and recipes.

What is asafoetida?

Asafoetida, also known as Hing, is a gum resin extracted from the roots of several Ferula plants native to Iran and Afghanistan. It has a powerful aroma, that mellows when cooked, but tastes similar to onions and garlic. In Indian cooking, asafoetida is a staple, adding depth and complexity to curries and lentil dishes. In some cultures, the name translates to ‘Devil’s Dung’, but don’t let this put you off! It is also thought to have medicinal uses. For centuries in some cultures, it has been thought to act as a soother for digestive problems, so could even help with IBS.

Asafoetida and IBS: Promising research

Traditionally, asafoetida has been used for a variety of digestive ailments, including IBS. While research is still ongoing, some studies suggest a potential benefit for IBS sufferers.

Two small studies involving adults with IBS showed significant improvement in symptoms like bloating, gas and abdominal pain after taking asafoetida supplements for two weeks. These studies suggest that asafoetida may help regulate gut motility and reduce inflammation, both of which contribute to IBS discomfort. But, it’s early days in the research, so, the main reason for me writing this blog is because it can be a real asset if used as part of a low FODMAP diet. It’s taste can really help add flavour, when onions and garlic are removed as part of a low FODMAP diet.

How to use asafoetida for IBS

If you’re interested in trying asafoetida for IBS, here are some tips:

  • Start low, go slow: Don’t spoil your meal! Begin with a small amount (¼ teaspoon) and monitor your tolerance. Gradually increase if you like the flavour
  • Form matters: Powdered asafoetida can be a bit overpowering, so take it slowly. Fresh asafoetida from Asian supermarkets is tastier. Why not try growing your own?
  • Consult an IBS Dietitian: Discuss asafoetida with your IBS dietitian to discover the ways you can use it and how it fits your IBS management plan

Useful tips for asafoetida and IBS

Asafoetida comes in various forms, including powder, resin and tablets. Here are some tips for using asafoetida:

  • Toast it: Heating asafoetida in a little ghee or oil for a few seconds mellows the flavour significantly
  • Incorporate it early: Add asafoetida early in the cooking process to allow the flavours to meld
  • Useful ideas: See my recipes page for many main meal recipes where you can use asafoetida

You’re not alone – a FODMAP Dietitian can help

An IBS Dietitian trained in FODMAPs can use knowledge and experience to help with the low FODMAP diet. It’s tricky to do alone though, but with support, sufferers can identify their triggers and improve management of IBS symptoms. An IBS dietitian will provide practical ways to help fit the low FODMAP diet into your lifestyle, ensuring that as a follower of a plant-based diet, you still get the nutrients you need from your food. I’m and IBS Dietitian based in Cardiff, but work across the UK. I offer a free initial telephone consultation, so why not arrange a call today.


Asafoetida shows promise as a natural remedy for IBS, potentially reducing bloating, gas and abdominal pain. However, more research is needed. Asafoetida can also be a flavourful addition to your low FODMAP diet. With its unique properties and potential benefits, asafoetida might just be the fragrant relief you’ve been searching for!

Disclaimer: This blog is for information purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider for personalised diagnosis and treatment of IBS.

About Debra Thomas, BSc RD

I am a Registered Dietitian with the Health Care Professions Council, a member of the British Dietetic Association and a listed member of the BDA’s Freelance Dietitians Group. As founder of FODMAP Consultancy, I offer one to one virtual consultations. Usually only 2 sessions are needed.

Get in touch today to book a free 15 minute initial consultation.